Welcome to the Hanover Chamber of Commerce
The Hanover Chamber of Commerce has been representing the businesses of Hanover and area since 1955, and continues to play an active role in promoting business through networking events, providing group advertising and sponsorship opportunities, and addressing the concerns of our business community.

The Chamber Executive meets on a monthly basis to organize activities, endorse members and promote shopping and advertising opportunities in Hanover. The Executive encourages and welcomes ideas and suggestions, as well as volunteers for organizing committees. We appreciate your input with respect to the general management of the Chamber’s current activities or suggestions to be considered in the future. Please call the Chamber office if you have any speaker topics of interest or a speaker you could recommend for a seminar or our member meetings.
Our participation in local events, providing speakers and activities, as well as linking members through our E-Blasts is only possible with the support of our members. Membership has increased over the past year, and we hope that the membership will continue to grow in the coming year, bringing together the business community as a united front. By working together with the Downtown Improvement Area and the Town of Hanover, we can efficiently and effectively invest our dollars in promoting our thriving community for the benefit of all. We also work together to provide promotion and sponsorship opportunities at group rates, as well as offering Grant Promotions. We encourage your participation.
The Hanover Chamber of Commerce appreciates your support, and is pleased to offer your business a First Time Membership with the Hanover Chamber of Commerce for only $80. + HST. Our Memberships run the Calendar Year: January 1st to December 31st Renewals are $160. + HST. Please complete the Membership Application Form, and submit with payment to the Chamber office. We look forward to your participation and welcome your business to our growing membership.
Please call the Chamber Office at 519.364.5777 for further information.