The Policy and Procedure Manual provides a working document for Hanover Council and the Administration to guide the actions of the Town in the handling of local affairs. All policies have been adopted by resolutions of Council.
Corporate Policies and Procedures are divided into the following sections:
- ADM - Administration & Council
- BP - Building & Property
- FAC - Facilities
- FIN - Finance
- HR - Human Resources
- HS - Health & Safety
- PRC - Parks, Recreation & Culture
- PW - Public Works
The policies in the manual are intended to:
- promote common understanding of Council's policy objectives
- provide direction to allow Administration to meet Council's policy objectives
- facilitate better and more timely decisions
- ensure uniformity in the interpretation and implementation of policy
- allow personnel to know what is expected of them
- ensure that similar situations are handled consistently
- promote delegation of decision making to the level that must face the problem or situation when it arises
- encourage coordination and integration of actions and plans within and across functional areas and departments
- address problems or situations that are repetitive or recurring
Accessible Customer Service
Policy number
Accountability and Transparency Policy
Policy number
Accounts Payable Procedures
Policy number
Accounts Receivable Procedures
Policy number
ADM-024 Oath and Affidavit Policy
Policy number
Advisory Committee Code of Conduct and Complaints Protocol
Policy number
Alcohol Management Policy
Policy number