Media Release Hanover Trail Bridges Construction Starts

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                         

November 23, 2023

Hanover Trail Bridges Construction Starts

HANOVER, ON – Construction has commenced to replace and rehabilitate 4 bridges on the south line section of the Hanover Community Trails System.  The bridges are the most southerly structures on the trail system with Concession 2 South Durham Road parking and trail link being the closest point of access.  The two southerly bridges, 1 and 2, will be replaced with prefabricated steel trusses with timber decks. Bridge 3, the next bridge moving north from the south end will undergo a rehabilitation that includes replacement of the deck with a new timber deck. Bridge 4 will include replacement of the approach spans with prefabricated steel trusses with timber decks and rehabilitating the existing steel pony truss.

A unique aspect of the trail bridge work is the retention of the aesthetic rail line attributes of the trail, with bridge 3 being rehabilitated and the bridge 4 pony truss being rehabilitated instead of replaced. The pony truss will be jacked in place, raising it to enable construction of new foundations, then lowered onto the new foundations.  Considering the age of these features on bridges 3 and 4, it is worthwhile to retain them for future generations to enjoy.

UrbanLink Civil Ltd. will complete the work. Their firm was founded by a team that takes pride in managing and self-performing major and complex projects across Canada, for private, federal, provincial, regional, and municipal clients. The firm is confident in their people and teams in ensuring innovation and successful delivery of complex, fast-tracked projects, in an integrated manner.  This project will have economic spinoffs to the community as the contractor plans to source materials and equipment available locally, as well as opportunities for hiring local resources to assist with construction.

A collaborative effort between Urbanlink, design consultant Tatham Engineering Limited, approving agencies such as Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority and the Town has enabled the project to be constructed through the winter months to improve the construction schedule.  This construction schedule will enable the trail system to be re-opened for 2024 summer months.

‘The start of the bridge work is the result of considerable and necessary pre-construction work during the environmental assessment and design phases. I look forward to the completion of the trail bridges so that our south line trail section is open for use’, stated Mayor Sue Paterson. ‘Thank you to our residents for their patience during the extended trail bridge closure.’