Dogs over the age of three (3) months require annual licensing and registration. All cats over the age of eight (8) months are required to be registered on a one-time basis. Visit the Municipal Office at 341 10th Street, Hanover from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm, to register your dog and/or cat and receive your permanent tag. Please bring the current rabies vaccination information for your dog and/or cat with you.
Replacement of lost or worn out tags will be issued, as required, at a fee of $10.00 each.
Dog tag registration expires on the 31st day of December. The Municipality keeps a record of all dogs registered and tagged and Dog owners listed on the register are invoiced in January as per the fees prescribed by the Municipal Rates & Fees By-Law.
If you no longer have the animal for any reason, your dog or cat tag should be returned to the Town of Hanover prior to March 31st. Any outstanding or late payments after March 31st shall be added to the final tax bill.
Dog and cat tags must always be worn. A tag is the best form of ID for your dog or cat. It will help with returning lost animals to their owners. If your animal is picked up without a license tag you may be subject to additional fees.
These are the forms for registering your cat or dog.
Animal Control & Responsible Ownership By-law 2819-13
Cat Registration Form (2024)
Dog Registration Form (2024)