Water/Sewer Bills during Canada Post Strike
The ongoing Canada Post strike does not impact the Town of Hanover’s property tax, utility, and other billing due dates. Please note that the Canada Post strike will not be accepted as a reason for missed payments.
Property owners who had a water bill due on October 31, 2024 will have a water bill issued in December with a due date of December 31, 2024. Please contact the Town to obtain your balance owing as bills will not be mailed due to the ongoing strike. You are responsible for paying your bills on time, even if you do not receive your bill in the mail. Please consider enrolling in the Town’s e-billing option to have your bills emailed directly to your inbox – download and complete the enrolment form and email to inquiry@hanover.ca to sign up.
The Town can be contacted in person at 341 10th Street Hanover, or by calling 519-364-2780, or by email to inquiry@hanover.ca. If you call and are transferred to voicemail, please leave a message with your name, phone number, and street address so that staff may return your call.
The Town does not recommend mailing your payment. Visit our How to Make a Payment page for payment options. Businesses who wish to pay by direct deposit may email inquiry@hanover.ca for more information.
Property Tax Pre-Authorized Payment Plans during Canada Post Strike
Residents enrolled in the monthly Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) are encouraged to contact the Town by December 6, 2024 to obtain your PAP amounts for December 2024 and monthly 2025 PAP amounts. Due to the ongoing Canada Post Strike, property owners may not have received the notice that was mailed to inform of these PAP amounts. Payments for accounts enrolled in the monthly payment plan will be withdrawn on the regular payment date of December 10, 2024.
The Town can be contacted in person at 341 10th Street Hanover, or by calling 519-364-2780, or by email to inquiry@hanover.ca.
To make a change to your current payment plan, please contact the Town for assistance prior to December 6, 2024.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.